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:: Torture Systems :: Journal Home | contact ::

:: Friday, March 12, 2004 ::

So I thought I would see if I can still get to this Journal. I can. I have read through most of the site just...remembering. I won't lie and tell you it's no big deal. Because it is. It just fucking is.

Hopefully soon Scott Carline (Jeff's brother) and I can get some articles and things up here. I want to update the Bio to make it more recent as well.

As for Visions continuing? Well that's a loaded fucking question. Right now only he knows the answer as so far he isn't telling me. Go figure.

I am entertaining a show in May. StykFaktor. I am planning on a few Visions songs for the set. Other than that I just don't know.

I would like to express my thanks for everyone's support but I must tell you this fucking just does.

:: Styk 8:31 PM [+] ::

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