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:: Friday, March 22, 2002 ::

Styk you should know that you should never compose in a webpage. The web has no patience. 'Tis a cut and paste world now. Silly Rabbit...

:: < Tortured > 1:03 AM [+] ::
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... ugh, *cough* ohhhhhhh. what time is it?

:: < Tortured > 1:00 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 ::
All righty then.....I actually learned something yesterday...FreeBSD actually uses the Unix kernal and Linux is "based" on the Unix kernal but uses it's own..And to boot the tech I was working with wasn't one of those pompous Linux rulez dillweeds...You know who you are....even learned a little about hacking into a router when you don't know the you see I Styk a Win2k guy actually learned something and it was presented to me in an intelligent repectful manor...Linux Rulez dillweeds take note...Tho' I won't be foaming at the mouth to dump FreeBSD on my network at home, I can say it earned some respect from me and I learned from someone who doesn't mind sharing information without an elitist attitude....
:: Styk 10:38 AM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 ::
The time limit on this is going to piss me off..........

So the stlouisgoths list died last week...someone isn't telling us where
all the exciting shit is happening in this booming town....Guess I'll try and
get some sleep. Gotta throw a Server running FreeBSD on it in the mix at
my place of work. Why?...because it's a less expensive solution..It'll run as
a router\firewall on the piece of crap extra machine we had layin' around.
That's about all it'll run in a timely fashion..Linux and all it's bastard children
are really overrated....I would go on about this but then we would get some
Elitist Linux whore flooding our email...'cuz once they get that set up and running
they really have nothing else to do. I did try Mandrake 8.1 and was mildly impressed
and I think they are on the right track, but I'll keep my Win2k thanx...and yes I know
about Win2k's security issues....Elitist dumbass....

P.S. Tortured needs to adjust the time zone setting 'cuz everytime I blog I think
I blogged two hours before I actually blogged, thus perpetuating my insomnia...

:: Styk 12:33 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, March 17, 2002 ::
Ok...after a nice evening with friends and meeting some new people,
I think I'm coming back around. I was feeling a bit "poopy" and anti-social
the past couple days. I only got about three hours of sleep but hey...I got
some more work done on my website..I even put up a journal there as well,
which means I now have two places to try and come up with things to say.
Just to be annoying I will try and not repeat myself on both, so you the
interested reader will have to visit both websites...:)

See...I AM feeling better...:)

:: Styk 10:34 AM [+] ::
:: Friday, March 15, 2002 ::
Fuck...'nuff said..........


:: Styk 3:47 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 ::
It's so quiet. The kind of quiet that makes you want to whisper. I wonder why.

:: < Tortured > 7:52 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, March 08, 2002 ::
I’m not feeling well today. I’m wondering if I’m sick. Everyone else I know has been sick since, well, damn, they’ve been sick since I’ve known them. Some of them, I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen not sick. Alas, I guess that should mean that it’s OK for me to be sick today at least. I just feel like shit, it’s like my bones hurt. Ack. I’m tired, I’m crabby, I want to sleep, I want to wake up, I want to sleep, and I want to wake up again, all day long.

One on the people I’m a friend with has pushed me to a limit that has really upset me, and I’ve had to place an ultimatum. I really didn’t like doing that; it’s not really like me to do that, but some people just, I don’t know. I guess that’s why I sort my friends the way I do. I have acquaintances, friends, and true close friends. Very few people have ever reached that third category. Of the one’s that do, very few of them stay there for too long. I guess it’s just the nature of people, or maybe I have really high expectations. I hate to think of them as expectations, because I don’t want to expect anything from anyone. But, for lack of a better word, I’ll go with that.

Oh, this is just one of those days when I’m thinking about people’s behavior and wondering exactly how do they get on in life. My, how superior of me. Sometimes I make myself sick.

Hmmm, suddenly there appears to be a thunderstorm outside. How poetic.

It’s my journal, I’ll write about me if I want to.

Monday I start a new job, finally. I’m not jumping up and down about it, but hey, it’s a job. Isn’t that what everyone else would tell me? Styk turned me on to it, and I am grateful. I’m hoping it can evolve into something more, but until then, it will get me up and out of the house, which might help with my motivation problems. If it doesn’t, I wonder what will.

:: < Tortured > 10:51 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 ::
I slept a lot today; insomnia keeps its own schedule, so I take it when I can get it. I remember that I had bad dreams, but I don’t remember what they were. I have an overall rotten feeling about the whole world today, and nearly everything seems to get on my nerves. I tried looking for a job today; such a futile effort lately, and has been for months. What the hell is going on with this country? Sometimes I wonder if there really is such a thing as stability. Everything is on my nerves. Especially my current lack of motivation. Maybe tomorrow.

:: < Tortured > 10:06 PM [+] ::

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