So life has been busy. New job with different hours. Been tired and sick. Haven’t had much time to work on music. Have some idea’s. Does it matter? Not really.

The “scene” is a joke. Nothing more than a grown up version of a high school clique. Who’s cool, who’s not. Who said what to whom and when, where, how, and why. I want nothing to do with that aspect of it any longer. It’s a complete waste of time. Time most of us don’t have but waste our energy on anyway. It’s easy to get wrapped up in it when you actually do care about the music and events etc. But frankly the bullshit out weighs any of the benefits. I’m a musician. I’ll play and write and do my thing. Everything else is a waste of time. There is more to life than anything this “scene” has to offer.

Yeah I know I’m an opinionated asshole. So what.


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