So another anniversary of Jeff’s passing has come and gone. I swear some days it feels like yesterday, others like a lifetime ago. As if that isn’t enough to deal with I’ve found myself facing a rather abrupt and dramatic change in the employment arena. Let’s just say it isn’t good and leave it at that. In fact this year so far has been a severe disappointment..I am already done with it…there is far too much to go into and I just really don’t feel like rehashing it. It just really hasn’t been good…nothing but bad news, stress, and worry.

As far as the StykFaktor project…I still have plans for it but I have no clear direction yet. It isn’t dead…it just isn’t all that alive either. I was asked to do a show at Cicero’s. I go back and forth between wanting to play for the sake of playing as I miss it terribly and not wanting to deal with rehearsals and stress all for an apathetic, unsupportive, fanbase. True there are many that may wish to see us again…I don’t know maybe not, but there are far more that just don’t care…they never have. I don’t mean care about the band, I mean care enough about this type of music to support it without drama and politics. But I digress….a subject stuck far to long in my proverbial craw. Let’s put it this way..if the show was to be guaranteed not to be advertised or played up in any way towards the “gothicindustrial” scene. I’m there…otherwise forget it. I’m proud of the music I perform, I don’t mind the labels of “gothic” and “synthpop”. The people who claim to be fans I take issue with. As long as it remains a fashion show…count me out. If someone can convince me it’s about music again…well perhaps I could be motivated. In the meantime I have taken down the website to work on a new version…

I am working on another music project along with some great people. People I admire and respect with talent. People with integrity. A project that at even rough beginnings shows great promise. How far we take it remains to be seen but it is a positive enviroment creating passionate music for all the rght reasons and it remains my current focus.



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